Park, Jung-Dong
PARK, Jung-Dong
PARK, Jung-Dong. Korean, b. 1960. Genres: International relations/Current affairs. Career: University of Beijing, research scholar, 1992-93; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, visiting scholar at Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, 1993-95; Korea Development Institute, Seoul, research fellow, 1995-; Kingdom of Cambodia, economic consultant, 2001-02. Publications: Modern Chinese Economics (in Korean), 1993; Comparative Research of China and the Republic of Korea's Special Economic Zones (in Korean), 1993; Total Review of Special Economic Zones (in Japanese), 1996; The Economic Impact of the Rajin-Sunbong Free Economic and Trade Zone of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (in Korean), 1996; The Special Economic Zones of China and Their Impact on Its Economic Development, 1997. Contributor to Korean and Japanese periodicals. Address: Korea Development Institute, PO Box 113, Chongryang, Seoul 130-012, Republic of Korea. Online address: