Parini, Jay

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PARINI, Jay. American, b. 1948. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Novels, Poetry. Career: Professor of English, Middlebury College, Vermont, 1982-. Teaching Fellow, University of St. Andrews, 1972-75; Assistant Professor of English, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1975- 82. American Council of Learned Socs. Fellow, 1985-86. Recipient: George Washington Kidder Prize, 1990; Guggenheim Fellowship, 1992-93; Christ Church College, Oxford, Visiting Fellow, 1993-94. Publications: Singing in Time (poetry), 1972; Theodore Roethke: An American Romantic (literary criticism), 1979; The Love Run (novel), 1980; Anthracite Country: Poems, 1982; (co-ed.) The Breadloaf Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, 1985, 1987, 1989; The Patch Boys (novel), 1986; An Invitation to Poetry (textbook), 1988; Town Life: Poems, 1988; A Vermont Christmas, 1988; The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Last Year, 1990; (ed.) Gore Vidal: Writer Against the Grain, 1992; Bay of Arrows, 1992; (ed.) The Columbia History of American Poetry, 1993; John Steinbeck: A Biography, 1995; (ed.) The Columbia Anthology of American Poetry, 1995; Benjamin's Crossing, 1997; House of Days (poetry), 1998; Robert Frost: A Life, 1999. Address: 1642 Horse Farm Rd, Weybridge, VT 05753, U.S.A. Online address:

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