Outhwaite, (Richard) William

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OUTHWAITE, (Richard) William

OUTHWAITE, (Richard) William. British, b. 1949. Genres: Area studies, Philosophy, Social sciences, Sociology. Career: University of Sussex, lecturer, 1973-87, reader, 1987-93, professor of sociology, 1993-. Publications: Understanding Social Life: The Method Called Verstehen, 1975; Concept Formation in Social Science, 1983; New Philosophies of Social Science: Realism, Hermeneutics and Critical Theory, 1987; Habermas: A Critical Introduction, 1994. CO-EDITOR: K. Lowith, Max Weber and Karl Marx, 1982; Social Theory and Social Criticism: Essays for Tom Bottomore, 1987; The Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Social Thought, 1993, 2nd ed., 2003; The Habermas Reader, 1996; The Sociology of Politics, 1998. Address: Sociology Dept, University of Sussex, Brighton, E. Sussex BN1 9QN, England. Online address: R.W.Outhwaite@sussex.ac.uk

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