Oster, Clinton Victor, Jr.

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OSTER, Clinton Victor, Jr.

OSTER, Clinton Victor, Jr. American, b. 1947. Genres: Air/Space topics, Business/Trade/Industry. Career: U.S. Public Health Service, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, engineer, 1969-71; U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Washington, DC, budget analyst, 1972; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, research fellow in business administration, 1977-79, lecturer in economics, 1978-79, research associate, 1980, member of visiting faculty, 1980, research fellow at John F. Kennedy School of Government, 1981-82; Indiana University-Bloomington, assistant professor, 1979-84, associate professor, 1984-88, professor of business and public and environmental affairs, 1988-, associate director of Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, 1982-85, director of Transportation Research Center, 1985-89, associate director of Highway and Transportation Management Institute, 1988-, associate dean of School of Public and Environmental Affairs, 1989-92. Publications: (ed. with J.R. Meyer) Airline Deregulation, 1981; (with J.R. Meyer and others) Deregulation and the New Airline Entrepreneurs, 1984; (with J.R. Meyer and others) Deregulation and the Future of Intercity Passenger Travel, 1987; (with J.S. Strong and C.K. Zorn) Why Airplanes Crash, 1992; (with others) Policy Choices and Public Action, 1996; (co-ed.) Taking Flight, 1997; (with others) American Public Policy Problems, 1999. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to professional journals. Address: School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1315 E 10th St, Bloomington, IN 47405, U.S.A. Online address: oster@indiana.edu

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