Ordinary Sinner

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Ordinary Sinner ★★½ 2002

Peter (Hines) has dropped out of an Episcopal seminary, having had his faith shaken while working as a teen counselor. He's come to a small Vermont college town where his shy childhood friend Alex (Park)is going to school. Alex has a crush on sexy student Rachel (Banks), who's more interested in the depressed Peter. Meanwhile, Peter's one-time mentor Father Ed (Martinez) publicly reveals he's gay when a series of gay-bashing incidents strike the campus. A death causes more emotional upheaval and adds some unnecessary whodunit elements to an already overstuffed plot. Well-meaning plea for tolerance does border on the preachy. 92m/C VHS, DVD . Brendan P. Hines, Kris Park, Elizabeth Banks, A. Martinez, Peter Onorati, Nathaniel Marston; D: John Henry Davis; W: William Mahone; C: Mathieu Roberts; M: Brian Adler.

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