Opie, Anne
OPIE, Anne
OPIE, Anne. New Zealander, b. 1946. Genres: Gerontology/Senior issues, Human relations/Parenting, Law, Social sciences, Social work, Women's studies and issues. Career: Social worker at counseling and family therapy agencies in England, Australia, and New Zealand, 1970-84; Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, research fellow and senior research fellow, 1989-98; research consultant, 1998-. Publications: (ed. with B. Morris, and contrib.) Women and the Politics of Custody, 1986; Caring Alone, 1991; There's Nobody There, 1992; Beyond Good Intentions: Support Work with Older People, 1995; Thinking Teams/Thinking Clients: Knowledge- Based Team Work, 2000. Work represented in books. Contributor to sociology and social work journals. Address: 15 Orchard St, Wellington, New Zealand. Online address: anne.opie@paradise.net.nz