Ondego, Ogova

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ONDEGO, Ogova. Kenyan, b. 1968. Genres: Adult non-fiction. Career: Editor, journalist, publisher, and author. Formerly worked as a teacher and journalist. Publisher and editor, Artmatters.com. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, researcher, beginning 2001; Stepafrica (bimonthly magazine), member of editorial/research staff; Africa Film and Television, England, East Africa correspondent. Publications: Heroes Stand Alone, 1994; A Virgin in God's Hands, 1995; Matutu Terror (autobiography), 1995; African Cine Week: Kenya, 2003, 2003. Contributor to online publications and print periodicals. Address: Artmatters, PO Box 842-00208, Ngong Hills, Nairobi, Kenya. Online address: oondego@artmatters.info