Ollier, Cliff(ord) David
OLLIER, Cliff(ord) David
OLLIER, Cliff(ord) David. Australian (born England), b. 1931. Genres: Earth sciences, Geography. Career: Dept. of Agriculture, Entebbe, Uganda, soil scientist, 1956-58; University of Melbourne, sr. lecturer in geology, 1959-66; head, Geology Dept., University of Papua New Guinea, Boroko, 1967-69, and Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1969-75; Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Canberra, research fellow, 1975-79; University of New England, Armidale, NSW, professor of geography, 1979-89, emeritus professor, 1989-. Geological Society of Australia, past chairman. Publications: Weathering, 1969; Volcanoes, 1970; Earth History in Maps and Diagrams, 1973; Weathering and Landforms, 1974; Tectonics and Landforms, 1981; Ancient Landforms, 1991; An Ancient Land, 1993; Regolith, Soils and Landforms, 1996; The Origin of Mountains, 2000. Address: 5/5 Park Rd, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia. Online address: cliffol@geog.uwa.edu.au