O'Hanlon, Michael E(dward)

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O'HANLON, Michael E(dward)

O'HANLON, Michael E(dward). American. Genres: Military/Defense/ Arms control. Career: Adjunct professor, Columbia University and Georgetown University. National Security Division, Congressional Budget Office, defense and foreign policy budget analyst, 1989-94. Institute for Defense Analyses, research assistant. Peace Corps Volunteer, Congo. Publications: The Art of War in the Age of Peace: U.S. Military Posture for the Post-Cold War World, 1992; Defense Planning for the Late 1990s: Beyond the Desert Storm Framework, 1995; (with C. Graham) A Half Penny on the Federal Dollar: The Future of Development Aid, 1997; Saving Lives with Force: Military Criteria for Humanitarian Intervention, 1997; How to Be a Cheap Hawk: The 1999 and 2000 Defense Budgets, 1998; Technological Change and the Future of Warfare, 2000; (with I.H. Daalder) Winning Ugly: NATO's War to Save Kosovo, 2000; (with J.M. Lindsay) Defending America: The Case for Limited National Defense, 2001; Defense Policy Choices for the Bush Administration, 2001-2005, 2001; Protecting the American Homeland: A Preliminary Analysis, 2002. EDITOR: (with others) The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on Space and Place, 1997; (with R.L. Welsch) Hunting the Gatherers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents, and Agency in Melanesia, 1870s-1930s, 2000. Contributor to anthologies and periodicals. Address: 1323 International Affairs Building, 420 West 118th Street, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A. Online address: meo14@columbia.edu

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O'Hanlon, Michael E(dward)

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