Ogunyemi, Yemi D(iploman)

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OGUNYEMI, Yemi D(iploman)

OGUNYEMI, Yemi D(iploman). Nigerian, b. 1950. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Poetry, Philosophy. Career: Writer, 1983-; Austro-Nigerian Society, founder, 1983; Development News, publisher/director, 1985-; Institute of Creative Writing, Vienna, director, 1983-; Liberty University, assoc professor of philosophy and letters, 1993-94; Harvard University, assoc fellow, W.E.B. DuBois Institute, 1994, assoc professor, Afro-American Studies, 1994-95; Diaspora Press of America, founder, 1995; Inst of Yoruba/African Narrative Philosophies, founder, 2000. Publications: Trans-Continental Poems, 1974; Women in Europe, 1986; The Myths of the Coffee Boys, 1985; Dreams of Joy, 1986; Press-Media in Africa, 1986; The Source of the River Koku, 1987; How Dogs Became Friends of Men, 1987; The New Intellectuals for Peace and Development, 1987; The African Soul, 1989; (ed.) My Contact with Africans and Africa, 1989; Studying Creative Writing in Nigeria, 1991; The Writers and Politics, 1991; The Literary Philosophy for the Year 2000, 1991; The Covenant of the Earth, 1993; Introduction to Yourba Philosophy, Religion and Literature, 1998; Literatures of the Diaspora, 2000; The Charmed Comforter, 2000; The Peddlers Strike, 2000; Farmers' Burden, 2000; The Political Philosophy of Wole Soyinka and Other Narratives, 2001; Path to Ifetherapy and Its Healing Poems, 2002; The Melodrama of the Last Word, 2003. FORTHCOMING: My Gazar with My Geisha; The Last Cowrie Queen; Modicums of O. Address: Dept of Afro-American Studies, Harvard University, 1430 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Online address: princeyemi36@hotmail.com