O'Donnell, Brennan (Patrick)

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O'DONNELL, Brennan (Patrick)

O'DONNELL, Brennan (Patrick). American, b. 1958. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, assistant professor of English, 1987-93, associate professor, 1994-2000, professor of English, 2001-. Publications: Numerous Verse: A Guide to the Stanzas and Metrical Structures of Wordsworth's Poetry, 1989; The Passion of Meter: A Study of Wordsworth's Metrical Art, 1995. Contributor to books, articles, reviews, and periodicals. Address: Loyola College, Department of English, 4501 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21210, U.S.A. Online address: bodonnell@loyola.edu

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O'Donnell, Brennan (Patrick)

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