Nurkse, D(ennis)

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NURKSE, D(ennis)

NURKSE, D(ennis). American, b. 1949. Genres: Poetry. Career: Poet, writer, and translator. Defense for Children International-USA, New York, NY, program officer, 1988-93, translator, 1988-93; New School for Social Research (now New School University), New York, adjunct poetry faculty, 1998-2001. Publications: Isolation in Action, 1988; Shadow Wars, 1988; Staggered Lights, 1990; Voices over Water, 1993; Leaving Xaia, 1999; The Rules of Paradise, 2001; The Fall, 2002. Address: 598 17th St., Apt. 1, Brooklyn, NY 11218, U.S.A. Online address:

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