Novak, Maximillian Erwin

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NOVAK, Maximillian Erwin

NOVAK, Maximillian Erwin. American, b. 1930. Genres: Intellectual history, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Michigan, instructor, 1958-61, assistant professor, 1961-62; University of California at Los Angeles, assistant professor, 1962-67, associate professor, 1965-68, professor of English, 1969-2000, professor emeritus, 2000-. Augustan Reprint Society, associate editor. Publications: Economics and the Fiction of Daniel Defoe, 1962; Defoe and the Nature of Man, 1963; (with H. Davis) The Uses of Irony, 1966; Congreve, 1971; (with A. Williams) Congreve Considered, 1971;Realism, Myth and History in Defoe's Fiction, 1983; English Literature in the Eighteenth Century, 1983; Daniel Defoe Master of Fictions, 2001. EDITOR: (with E. Dudley) The Wild Man Within, 1972; Thomas Southerne: Oroonoko, 1976; English Literature in the Age of Disguise, 1977; California Edition of the Works of John Dryden, vol. X, 1970, vol. XIII, 1984; (assoc.) Stoke Newington Edition of Daniel Defoe; Passionate Encounters, 2000. Address: Dept. of English, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, U.S.A. Online address:

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