North, Charles

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NORTH, Charles

NORTH, Charles. American, b. 1941. Genres: Poetry. Career: Poet. Freelance copy editor, 1965-66. Pace University, NYC, instructor, 1967-71, adjunct faculty, 1971-82, poet-in-residence, 1982-. Publications: Elizabethan and Nova Scotian Music, 1974; Six Buildings, 1977; Leap Year, 1978; (with T. Towle) Gemini, 1981; The Year of the Olive Oil, 1989; (with E. Robinson and S. Ngai) re: Chapbook 2, 1996; No Other Way: Selected Prose, 1998; New and Selected Poems, 1999. EDITOR: (with J. Schuyler) Broadway: A Poets and Painters Anthology, 1979; (with Schuyler) Broadway 2: A Poets and Painters Anthology, 1989; (with others) The Green Lake is Awake: Selected Poems by J. Ceravolo, 1994. Contributor of poems to anthologies. Address: English Department, Pace University, One Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038, U.S.A. Online address:

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