Nighbert, David F(ranklin)

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NIGHBERT, David F(ranklin)

NIGHBERT, David F(ranklin). American, b. 1948. Genres: Mystery/ Crime/Suspense, Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: Tower Records, NYC, video sales manager, 1989-. Worked at jobs, including stock clerk, butcher's assistant, encyclopedia salesperson, construction laborer, actor, singer, and playwright. Publications: SCIENCE-FICTION: Timelapse, 1988; Clouds of Magellan, 1991; "BULL COCHRAN" MYSTERY SERIES: Strikezone, 1989; Squeezeplay, 1992; Shutout, 1995. Address: Tower Records, 1961 Broadway, New York, NY 10023, U.S.A.

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