Newth, Mette

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NEWTH, Mette

NEWTH, Mette. Norwegian, b. 1942. Genres: Children's fiction. Career: Author, illustrator, and translator. Principal of National College of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway, 1989-93; administrator of Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression, 1995-98; principal of Oslo National College of Art, 1999-2002. Guest lecturer at colleges and universities in Norway and internationally, 1979-. Administrator and later chair of Norwegian Council of Artists; leader of Norwegian Artists Organizations joint negotiations with Norwegian Ministry of Culture on remuneration for copyrights and lending rights. Exhibitions: Participated in collective exhibitions in Bologna, Italy, Tokyo, Japan, and San Diego, CA, among other venues; solo exhibits in fifty galleries, libraries, and schools throughout Norway, 1977-. Publications: JUVENILE FICTION: Lille Skrekk, 1975; Nora og ordene, 1975; (with P. Newth) Benjamins borg, 1976; Ball-sprett, 1980; (with P. Newth) Mammaen min er sa hoy som stjernene, 1980; (with P. Newth) I bakgarden til Rosa og Fred, 1983; Oppdagelsen: en fabel fra virkeligheten, 1984; (with P. Newth) Soldreperen, 1985; Bortforelesen: ungdomsroman, 1987, trans. by T. Nunnally and S. Murray as The Abduction, 1989; Det morke lyset, 1995, trans. by F. Ingwersen as The Dark Light, 1998; Forandringen, 1998, trans. by F. Ingwersen as The Transformation, 2000; Under huden, 1999. Illustrator of books by W. Kreye, P-H Haugen. Contributor of essays and articles on art and society to Norwegian and Nordic newspapers and magazines. Address: PO Box 22, 1334 Rykkinn, Norway. Online address:

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