Neville, Helen F(rances Fowler)

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NEVILLE, Helen F(rances Fowler)

NEVILLE, Helen F(rances Fowler). Canadian, b. 1943. Genres: Human relations/Parenting. Career: Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Oakland, CA, pediatric advice nurse, 1976-96, coordinator of Temperament Project, 1990-. Teacher of classes and workshops on raising children, health skills, parenting skills, and stress management. Curriculum developer and trainer of teachers; group facilitator. Publications: (with M. Halaby) No-Fault Parenting, 1984; (with J. Kristal and R. Renner) Teacher's Manual for Temperament-Based Parenting Classes, 1994; (with D. Clarke-Johnson) Temperament Tools: Working with Your Child's Inborn Traits, 1998. Address: 5409 Thomas Ave, Oakland, CA 94618, U.S.A. Online address:

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Neville, Helen F(rances Fowler)

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