Nepaulsingh, Colbert I(vor)

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NEPAULSINGH, Colbert I(vor)

NEPAULSINGH, Colbert I(vor). Trinidadian, b. 1943. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, member of board of directors of International House, 1967, lecturer, 1968; Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, lecturer, 1968-70, founding member of Canada-Commonwealth Caribbean Centre, 1968, chair of Crossroads Africa Committee, 1969-70; State University of New York at Albany, assistant professor, 1972-81, associate professor, 1981-87, professor of Latin American and Caribbean studies, 1987-, department head, 1986-88, acting director of Center for the Arts and Humanities, 1987-88, associate vice president for academic affairs, 1988-91. Speaker at colleges and universities. Publications: Micer Francisco Imperial: El Dezir a las syete virtudes y otros poemas, 1977; Towards a History of Literary Composition in Medieval Spain, 1986; Apples of Gold in Filigrees of Silver: Jewish Writing in the Eye of the Spanish Inquisition, 1995; (with E. Baugh) Another Life Fully Annotated, 2004. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: Dept of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, SS250C, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222, U.S.A. Online address: