Nelson, Jack Lee

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NELSON, Jack Lee

NELSON, Jack Lee. American, b. 1932. Genres: Education, Sex, Social sciences, Sociology. Career: Professor, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, since 1968; Professor Emeritus, 1998-. Editorial Consultant, Education Books, Random House, McGraw- Hill, Primis, and Alfred Knopf publrs. Series Ed., Hayden American Values Series, Hayden Book Co.; Advisory Council Member, Webster's New World Dictionary. Instructor in Sociology and Psychology, Citrus College, Azusa, and Assistant Professor of Education, California State University, Los Angeles, both 1958-63; Associate Professor of Education, State University of New York-Buffalo, 1963-68; visiting professor: Cambridge University; University of California; University of Colorado; Stanford University; University of Washington, University of Sydney, Australia; Edith Cowan University, Australia. Publications: (with F. Besag) Sociology Perspectives in Education, 1970; Teaching Elementary Social Studies thru Inquiry, 1970; Introduction to Value Inquiry, 1974; Values and Society, 1975; Population and Progress, 1977; Values, Rights, and the New Morality, 1977; (with J. Michaelis) Secondary Social Studies, 1980; (with F. Besag) Foundations of Education: Stasis and Change, 1984; (with S. Palonsky and K. Carlson) Critical Issues in Education, 1990, 4th ed. 2000. EDITOR: (with T. Linton) Patterns of Power: Social Foundations of Education, 1968, 1974; Teenagers and Sex, 1970; Population and Survival, 1972; (with K. Carlson and T. Linton) Radical Ideas and the Schools, 1972; (with V. Green) International Human Rights: Contemporary Issues, 1980. Address: Dept. of Educational Theory, Policy and Administration, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, U.S.A. Online address:

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