Nash, Roger

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NASH, Roger

NASH, Roger. British, b. 1942. Genres: Poetry, Philosophy. Career: Laurentian University, Associate Professor of Philosophy. Works as a consultant with school boards on teaching literature and art. Publications: POETRY: Settlement in a School of Whales, 1983; Psalms from the Suburbs, 1986; Night Flying (collection), 1990; The Poetry of Prayer, 1994; In the Kosher Chow Mein Restaurant (collection), 1996; Once I was a Wheelbarrow, 2000. OTHER: Ethics, Science, Technology and the Environment: A Reader, 1993; Ethics, Science, Technology and the Environment: A Study Guide, 1993. EDITOR: Spring-fever: (W)rites of Spring, 1997: An Anthology of Poems from the Ontario Division of the League of Canadian Poets, 1997; Licking Honey Off a Thorn: An Anthology of Poems from the Ontario Division of the League of Canadian Poets: (W)rites of Spring 1998, 1998; Northern Prospects: An Anthology of Northeastern Ontario Poetry, 1998. Poetry has appeared in anthologies. Address: Philosophy Department, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, Canada P3E 2C6. Online address:

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