Nagrin, Daniel

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NAGRIN, Daniel

NAGRIN, Daniel. American, b. 1917. Genres: Dance/Ballet. Career: Dancer, choreographer, teacher, and writer. Arizona State University, Tempe, professor of dance, 1982-92, professor emeritus, 1992-. Tamiris-Nagrin Dance Company, codirector; Workgroup (improvisational dance company), director; American Dance Festival, held Balasaraswati/Joy Ann Dewey Beineke Chair for Distinguished Teaching, 1992. Publications: How to Dance Forever: Surviving as a Dancer, 1988; Dance and the Specific Image: Improvisation, 1993; Choreography and the Specific Image: Nineteen Essays and a Workbook, 2001. Contributor to dance journals. Address: Daniel Na- grin Theatre Film and Dance Foundation Inc., 208 E 14th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, U.S.A. Online address:;

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