Myers, Jack (Elliott)

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MYERS, Jack (Elliott)

MYERS, Jack (Elliott). American, b. 1941. Genres: Poetry. Career: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, professor of English, 1975-; Vermont College, MFA Program in Writing, faculty member. Texas Poet Laureate, 2003. Publications: Black Sun Abraxas, 1970; (co-author) Will It Burn, 1974; The Family War, 1977; I'm Amazed That You're Still Singing, 1981; Coming to the Surface, 1984; As Long as You're Happy, 1986; Blindsided, 1993; Human Being, 1997; OneOnOne, 1999; The Glowing River: New & Selected Poems, 2000; The Poet's Portable Workshop, 2004. EDITOR: A Trout in Milk, 1982; (with R. Weingarten) New American Poets of the 80s, 1984; (with M. Simms) The Longman Dictionary and Handbook of Poetry, 1985; (with Wojahn) A Profile of Twentieth-Century American Poetry, 1991; (with R. Weingarten) New American Poets of the '90s, 1991; (with M. Elliott) Leaning House Poets, vol. 1, 1996. Address: Dept of English, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275, U.S.A. Online address:

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