My Sex Life… Or How I Got into an Argument

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My Sex Life… Or How I Got into an Argument ★★ Ma VieSexuelle…Comment Je Me Suis Dispute 1996

Paul (Amalric) is unhappy personally and professionally. He's a bored grad student/ assistant professor of philosophy and breaking up with lover of ten years, Esther (Devos). Soon Paul's romancing other women, one of whom, Sylvia (Denicourt), is already involved with Paul's best friend Nathan (Salinger). Very talky and Frenchly intellectual. French with subtitles. 178m/C VHS, DVD . FR Mathieu Amalric, Marianne (Cuau) Denicourt, Emmanuelle Devos, Emmanuel Salinger, Jeanne Balibar, Michel Vuillermoz; D: Arnaud Desplechin; W: Arnaud Desplechin, Emmanuel Bourdieu; C: Eric Gautier; M: Krishna Levy.

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