My Life and Times with Antonin Artaud

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My Life and Times with Antonin Artaud ★★★ En Compagnie d'Antonin Artaud; Artaud 1993

Postwar Parisian bohemia is depicted in the obsessive friendship between ambitious young poet Jacques Prevel (Barbe) and famed intellectual/poet/impressario Antonin Artaud (Frey), who founded the Theatre of Cruelty. Artaud has returned to Paris after spending nine years in an asylum and is suffering from terminal cancer, the misery of which is partially alleviated by the opiates that Prevel can provide. Delusional and paranoid, Artaud makes his self-destruction into genius while Prevel documents Artaud's last two years in diaries, hoping to gain some measure of fame for himself. French with subtitles. Based on Prevel's “En Compagnie d'Antonin Artaud.” 93m/B VHS, DVD . FR Sami Frey, Marc Barbe, Valerie Jeannet, Julie Jezequel, Charlotte Valandrey; D: Gerard Mordillat; W: Gerard Mordillat, Jerome Prieur; C: Francois Catonne; M: Jean-Claude Petit.

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