Moynahan, Julian (Lane)

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MOYNAHAN, Julian (Lane)

MOYNAHAN, Julian (Lane). American, b. 1925. Genres: Novels, Literary criticism and history. Career: Distinguished Professor of English, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1974-, now Emeritus (Professor, 1966-74). Member of the faculty, Amherst College, Massachusetts, 1953-55, Princeton University, New Jersey, 1955-63, and University College, Dublin, 1963-64. Publications: Sisters and Brothers, 1960; The Deed of Life: The Novels and Tales of D. H. Lawrence, 1963; Pairing Off, 1969; Vladimir Nabokov, 1970; Garden State, 1973; Where the Land and Water Meet, 1979; Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture, 1994. EDITOR: Sons and Lovers: Text, Background and Criticism, 1968; The Portable Thomas Hardy, 1977. Address: 136 Bayard Ln, Princeton, NJ 08540, U.S.A. Online address:

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