Moussalli, Ahmad S.

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MOUSSALLI, Ahmad S. Lebanese, b. 1956. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Georgetown University, Washington, DC, visiting professor in the Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding; University of Copenhagen, Denmark, visiting professor in the Carsten Niebuhr Institute for Near Eastern Studies; U.S. Institute of Peace Specialist, senior fellow, 1999-2000; American University of Beirut, Lebanon, professor of political science, 2001-. Publications: Radical Islamic Fundamentalism: The Ideological and Political Discourse of Sayyid Qutb, 1992; World Order and Islamic Fundamentalism, 1992; Al-Usuliyah al-Islamiyah: Dirasah fi al-khitab alaydiyuluji wa al-siyasi 'inda Sayyid Qutb: bahth muqaran li-mabadi' alusuliyin wa al-isl ahiyin, 1993; Islamic Fundamentalism: A Study in Sayyid Qutb's Ideological and Political Discourse, 1993; (ed.) Islamic Fundamentalism: Myths and Realities, 1998; Moderate and Radical Islamic Fundamentalism: The Quest for Modernity, Legitimacy, and the Islamic State, 1999; Historical Dictionary of Islamic Fundamentalist Movements in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey, 1999; Understanding Islam: Basic Principles, 2000; The Islamic Quest Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights, 2001; The Roots of Intellectual Crisis in the Arab World, 2002; The Images of Islam in the Western World, 2003. Contributor to journals. Address: Dept of Political Studies, American University of Beirut, PO Box 11-072020, Beirut, Lebanon. Online address: