Morgan, Austen

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MORGAN, Austen

MORGAN, Austen. Irish, b. 1949. Genres: History, Biography. Career: Freelance writer, 1981-; barrister, 1995-. University of Warwick, research associate in industrial relations, 1975-77; University of Dublin, Trinity College, visiting academic, 1980-81. Publications: (ed. with B. Purdie) Ireland: Divided Nation, Divided Class, 1980; J. Ramsay MacDonald, 1987; James Connolly: A Political Biography, 1988; Labour and Partition: The Belfast Working Class, 1905-1923, 1991; Harold Wilson, 1992; The Belfast Agreement: A Practical Legal Analysis, 2000. Address: 76 Inderwick Rd, London N8 9JY, England. Online address:;

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