Monaco, James

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MONACO, James. American, b. 1942. Genres: Communications/Media, Film. Career: Writer. New York Zoetrope Inc., founder and publisher, 1975-; Baseline Inc., founder and president, 1982-92; UNET Corporation, founder, 1992, and president. New School for Social Research, NYC, member of the faculty, 1967-85. Formerly chairman, Videotex Marketing Consortium. Formerly media commentator, National Public Radio's Morning Edition. Institute of Directors London, fellow; Galloway Intl, director; Copyright Clearance Center, director. Publications: The New Wave: Godard, Truffaut, Chabrol, Rohmer, Rivette, 1976; How to Read a Film: The Art, Technology, Language, History and Theory of Film and Media, 1977, multimedia ed., 2000; Celebrity: The Media as Image Makers, 1978; Media Culture: Television, Radio, Records, Books, Newspapers, Movies, 1978; Alain Resnais: The Role of Imagination, 1978; American Film Now: The People, The Power, The Money, The Movies, 1979; Who's Who in American Film Now, 1981; Connoisseurs Guide to the Movies, 1985. EDITOR: The Encyclopedia of Film, 1991; The Movie Guide, 1992; The Dictionary of New Media, 1999; Salt of the Earth: The Story of a Film, 2003. Address: UNET Corporation, 80 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003, U.S.A. Online address: