Mingione, Enzo

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MINGIONE, Enzo. Italian, b. 1947. Genres: Social sciences, Sociology, Urban studies. Career: University of Milan, Italy, research fellow, 1970-73, associate professor of sociology of organization, 1989-90; University of Messina, Italy, associate professor, 1974-82, associate professor of economic sociology, 1982-89, professor of urban and rural sociology, then director of Dipartimento di Teoria E Analisi dei Fenomeni Sociali E Politici, 1991-93; University of Padua, professor of sociology, 1994-. Publications: La proletarizzazione dei ceti medi (title means: The Proletarianization of Middle Classes), 1971; (with M. Boffi, S. Cofini, and A. Giasanti) Citta e conflitto sociale (title means: The City and Social Conflict), 1972; Impiegati, sviluppo capitalistico e lotta di classe (title means: White Collars, Capitalist Development and Class Struggles), 1973; Mercato del lavoro e occupazione in Italia dal 1945 ad oggi (title means: Labor Market and Employment in Italy from 1945 On), 1974, rev. ed, 1981; Scuola e mercato del lavoro (title means: Education and Labor Market), 1975; Social Conflict and the City, 1981; Urbanizzazione, classi sociali e lavoro informale (title means: Urbanization, Social Classes and Informal Work), 1983; Fragmented Societies, 1991. EDITOR: L'uso del territorio in Cina (title means: The Use of Land in China), 1977; Classi sociali e agricoltura meridionale (title means: Social Classes and Southern Italian Agriculture), 1981; (with N. Redclift, and author of intro.) Beyond Employment, 1985; Urban Poverty and the Under-Class, 1996. Contributor of articles, introductions, and prefaces to anthologies. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Fondazione Bignaschi, Via Olmetto 3, 20123 Milan, Italy. Online address: enzo.mingione@unimib.it

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