Millett, Martin J(ohn)

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MILLETT, Martin J(ohn)

MILLETT, Martin J(ohn). British, b. 1955. Genres: Archaeology/ Antiquities, Classics. Career: University of Durham, lecturer in archaeology, 1981-99; University of Southampton, professor of archaeology, 1999-2001; University of Cambridge, Laurence Professor of Classical Archaeology, 2001-. Hampshire County Museum Service, Winchester, assistant keeper of archaeology, 1980-81. Publications: (with E.C. Hill and T.F.C. Blagg) The Roman Riverside Wall and Monumental Arch in London, 1980; Excavations on the Romano-British Small Town at Neatham Hampshire 1969-1986, 1986; The Romanization of Britain: An Essay in Archaeological Interpretation, 1990; The English Heritage Book of Roman Britain, 1995; (with J.M. Carvete and S.J. Keay) A Roman Provincial Capital and Its Hinterland, 1995; (with P. Halkon) Rural Settlement and Industry: Studies in the Iron Age and Roman Archaeology of Lowland East Yorkshire, 1999. EDITOR/CO- EDITOR: The Archaeology of Pottery, 1979; Archaeology from the Plough- soil, 1985; (with Blagg) The Early Roman Empire in the West, 1990; Integration in the Early Roman West, 1995; Britons and Romans: Advancing an Archaeological Agenda, 2000; Burial Practice in the Roman World: Contextual Studies, 2000. Address: Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Ave, Cambridge CB3 9DA, England. Online address: