Middleton, Haydn

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MIDDLETON, Haydn. British, b. 1955. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy, History, Mythology/Folklore, Young adult fiction, Novels. Career: Leo Burnett Ltd., London, England, advertising executive, 1976-77; private tutor, 1977-79 and 1980-1985; Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, history editor, 1979-80; author, 1980-. Publications: Euro 96, 1995; The Queen's Captive, 1996; The Knight's Vengeance, 1997; Sport in Britain, 1998. JUVENILE: Britain and the World since 1750, 1982; Everyday Life in 16th Century Europe, 1983; Britons and Romans, 1983; Tudor Times, 1984; The Dark Ages, 1984; (with H. Leyser) Invasion and Integration, 1986; Island of the Mighty, 1987; Rulers and Rebels, 1987; The Age of Chivalry, 1988; (ed. with D. Heater) Twentieth Century World History Atlas, 1989; The United Kingdom: Ten Centuries in the Making, 1994; Britain's Links with the World, 1998; Diana Princess of Wales Life and Times, 1998. ADULT FICTION: The People in the Picture, 1987; (with A. Toorchen) Son of Two Worlds, 1989; The Lie of the Land, 1989; The Collapsing Castle, 1990; the King's Evil, 1995; Grimm's Last Fairytale, 1999. Address: c/o Christopher Little Literary Agency, 10 Eelbrook Studios, 125 Moore Park Road, London SW6 4PS, England. Online address: thetunisians@hotmail.com