Michael, Colette V(erger)
MICHAEL, Colette V(erger)
MICHAEL, Colette V(erger). American (born France), b. 1937. Genres: Poetry, Film, Intellectual history, Literary criticism and history, Philosophy, Bibliography. Career: University of Wisconsin-Madison, extension lecturer and lecturer in French, 1974; Shimer College, Mt Carroll, IL, professor of humanities, 1975-77; Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, assistant professor, 1977-84, associate professor, 1984-90, professor of foreign languages and literatures, 1990-. Guest on television and radio programs. Publications: Choderlos de Laclos: The Man, His Works, and His Critics, 1982; Intemperies (poems), 1982; Sens dessusdessous, 1984; Laclos et les milieux philosophiques: Essai sur les Liaisons dangereuses et le mal, 1985; Le Marquis de Sade: The Man, His Works, and His Critics: An Annotated Bibliography, 1986; Negritude: An Annotated Bibliography, 1988; Sade: His Ethics and Rhetoric, 1989; (trans. and author of intro.) H. Metzger, Chemistry, 1991. EDITOR & AUTHOR OF INTRODUCTION: Les Tracts feministes, 1986; Essai sur le caractere, les moeurs et l'esprit des femmes dans les differens siecles, 1772, 1987; Le Divorce en France, 1989; Grounds of Natural Philosophy, 1996; Le Marquis de Sade: Critique et Revolution, forthcoming. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles, poems, translations, and reviews to scholarly journals. Address: Dept of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 315 Watson, Northern Illinois University, De- Kalb, IL 60115, U.S.A. Online address: cmichael@niu.edu