Mesibov, Gary B.

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MESIBOV, Gary B. American, b. 1945. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: University of Guam, Mangilao, instructor to assistant professor of psychology, 1968-71, department head, 1969-71; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, postdoctoral fellow in clinical child psychology, 1974-75, psychologist in Division for Disorders of Development and Learning, 1975- 79, assistant professor, 1975-81, associate professor, 1981-87, professor of psychology, 1987-, coordinator of adolescent and adult services for Division TEACCH, 1979-82, associate director of the division, 1983-87, codirector, 1988-92, director, 1992-. Lecturer at colleges and universities. Publications: (with L.W. Adams and L.G. Klinger) Autism: Understanding the Disorder, 1998. Contributor to scholarly books. EDITOR WITH E. SCHOPLER, AND CONTRIBUTOR: Autism in Adolescents and Adults, 1983; The Effects of Autism on the Family, 1984; Communication Problems in Autism, 1985; Social Behavior in Autism, 1986; Neurobiological Issues in Autism, 1987; Diagnosis and Assessment in Autism, 1988; High-Functioning Individuals with Autism, 1992; Behavioral Issues in Autism, 1994; Learning and Cognition in Autism, 1995; Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism?, 1998. Address: Division TEACCH, CB 7180, Medical School Wing E, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, U.S.A. Online address:

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Mesibov, Gary B.

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