Megivern, James J(oseph)

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MEGIVERN, James J(oseph)

MEGIVERN, James J(oseph). American, b. 1931. Genres: Theology/ Religion. Career: Mary Immaculate Seminary and College, Northampton, PA, instructor in biblical languages and literature, 1962-64; St. John's University, Jamaica, NY, assistant professor of theology and head of department, 1966-70; NYC Board of Education, director of South Bronx paraprofessional training program, 1970-74; University of North Carolina at Wilmington, associate professor, 1974-77, professor of philosophy and religion, 1977-2001, professor emeritus, 2001-, head of department, 1975-92, chairperson of faculty, 1976-77. Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York, lecturer, 1970-73; Manhattan College, lecturer, 1971-73; Fordham University at Lincoln Center, lecturer, 1971-74; Emory University, visiting professor, 1981. Publications: Concomitance and Communion: A Study in Eucharistic Doctrine and Practice, 1963; The Death Penalty: An Historical and Theological Survey, 1997; People of Vision, 2003. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Bible Interpretation, 1978; Worship and Liturgy, 1978; The Catholic Tradition, 1980. Address: 4944 Marlin Ct, Wilmington, NC 28403, U.S.A. Online address:

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