Meaker, Marijane (Agnes)

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MEAKER, Marijane (Agnes)

MEAKER, Marijane (Agnes). Also writes as M. E. Kerr, Ann Aldrich, Mary James, Vin Packer. American, b. 1927. Genres: Novels, Young adult fiction, Gay and lesbian issues. Publications: Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950s (memoir), 2003. FICTION FOR YOUNG ADULTS AS M.E. KERR: Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack!, 1972; If I Love You, Am I Trapped Forever?, 1973; The Son of Someone Famous, 1974; Is That You, Miss Blue?, 1975; Love Is a Missing Person, 1975; I'll Love You When You're More Like Me, 1977; Gentlehands, 1978; Little, Little, 1980; What I Really Think of You, 1982; Him She Loves?, 1984; I Stay Near You, 1985; Night Kites, 1986; Fell, 1987; Fell Back, 1989; Fell Down, 1991; Linger, 1993; Deliver Us from Evie, 1995; "Hello," I Lied, 1997; Blood on the Forehead: What I Know about Writing, 1998; What Became of Her, 2000; Slap Your Sides, 2001; Snakes Don't Miss Their Mothers, 2003. OTHER AS M.E. KERR: Me Me Me Me Me (autobiography), 1983. AS ANN ALDRICH: We Walk Alone, 1955; We Too Must Love, 1958; Carol in a Thousand Cities, 1960; We Two Won't Last, 1963; Sudden Endings, 1964; Take a Lesbian to Lunch, 1972. YA FICTION AS MARY JAMES: Shoebag, 1990; The Shuteyes, 1993; Shoebag Returns. NOVELS AS M.J. MEAKER: Hometown, 1967; Game of Survival, 1968; Shockproof Sydney Skate, 1972. NOVELS AS VIN PACKER: Dark Intruder, 1952; Spring Fire, 1952; Look Back to Love, 1953; Come Destroy Me, 1954; Whisper His Sin, 1954; The Thrill Kids, 1955; Dark Don't Catch Me, 1956; The Young and Violent, 1956; Three-Day Terror, 1957; The Evil Friendship, 1958; 5:45 to Suburbia, 1958; The Twisted Ones, 1959; The Damnation of Adam Blessing, 1961; The Girl on the Best Seller List, 1961; Something in the Shadows, 1961; Intimate Victims, 1962; Alone at Night, 1963; The Hare in March, 1967; Don't Rely on Gemini, 1970. Address: 12 Deep Six Dr, East Hampton, NY 11937, U.S.A. Online address:;