Mcmillen, Sally G(regory)
MCMILLEN, Sally G(regory)
MCMILLEN, Sally G(regory). American, b. 1944. Genres: History, Women's studies and issues. Career: Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY, reference librarian, 1966-68; Boston Atheneum, Boston, MA, reference librarian, 1968-70; University High School, San Francisco, CA, librarian, 1975-78; University of North Carolina-Charlotte, instructor in history, 1984- 85; Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, assistant professor of history, 1985-88; Davidson College, Davidson, NC, MacArthur Assistant Professor of History, 1988-91, associate professor, 1991-98, professor, 1998- 2003, Mary Reynolds Babcock Professor of History, 2003-. Publications: Motherhood in the Old South: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Infant Rearing, 1990; Southern Women: Black and White in the Old South, 1991, rev. ed., 2002; To Raise up the South: Sunday Schools in Black and White Churches, 2002.