Mcmaster, Juliet (Sylvia)

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MCMASTER, Juliet (Sylvia)

MCMASTER, Juliet (Sylvia). Canadian/British (born Kenya), b. 1937. Genres: Children's fiction, Literary criticism and history, Illustrations. Career: University of Alberta, Edmonton, assistant professor, 1965-70, associate professor, 1970-76, professor, 1976-86, university professor of English, 1986-. Juvenilia Press, general editor, 1994-. Publications: Thackeray: The Major Novels, 1971; Jane Austen on Love, 1978; Trollope's Palliser Novels, 1978; (with R.D. McMaster) The Novel from Sterne to James, 1981; Dickens the Designer, 1987; Jane Austen the Novelist, 1995; Reading the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 2004. EDITOR: Jane Austen's Achievement, 1976; (with B. Stovel) Jane Austen's Business, 1996; (with E. Copeland) The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen, 1997. Illustrator of books by J. Austen. Address: Dept of English, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2E5. Online address:

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Mcmaster, Juliet (Sylvia)

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