Mcintyre, Ian (James)

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MCINTYRE, Ian (James)

MCINTYRE, Ian (James). Scottish, b. 1931. Genres: Art/Art history, History, International relations/Current affairs, Literary criticism and history, Military/Defense/Arms control, Politics/Government, Theatre, Biography. Career: Commissioned in the Intelligence Corps, 1955-57; BBC, 1957-61 and 1970-87, began as current affairs talks producer, 1957, served in capacities including At Home and Abroad, editor, 1959, writer and broadcaster, 1970-76, controller of BBC Radio 4, 1976-78, controller of BBC Radio 3, 1978-87; Independent Television Authority, program services officer, 1961; Times (newspaper), London, England, associate editor, 1989-90. Staff of the Conservative Party in Scotland, 1962-70; director of Information and Research. Publications: NONFICTION: The Proud Doers: Israel after Twenty Years, 1968; (ed. and contrib.) Words: Reflections on the Uses of Language, 1975; Dogfight: The Transatlantic Battle over Airbus, 1992; The Expense of Glory: A Life of John Reith, 1993; Dirt and Deity: A Life of Robert Burns, 1996; Garrick, 1999; Joshua Reynolds: The Life and Times of the First President of the Royal Academy, 2003. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Spylaw House, Newlands Ave, Radlett, Herts. WD7 8EL, England. Online address:

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Mcintyre, Ian (James)

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