Mcgarrity, Michael

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MCGARRITY, Michael. American. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense. Career: Writer. Formerly a psychotherapist in private practice, a deputy sheriff, an instructor for the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy, and an investigator for the New Mexico Public Defender's office. Teacher of psychology and counseling in colleges and universities and in the New Mexico prison system. Publications: KEVIN KERNEY MYSTERY SERIES: Tularosa, 1996; Mexican Hat, 1997; Serpent Gate, 1998; Hermit's Peak, 1999; The Judas Judge, 2000; Under the Color of Law, 2001; The Big Gamble, 2002. Contributor to periodicals and professional journals. Address: c/o Penguin Putnam, 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, U.S.A. Online address:

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