Mcdonald, Collin

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MCDONALD, Collin. American, b. 1943. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Ghost Writer. Career: Pioneer Press-Dispatch, St. Paul, MN, reporter, 1967; University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Department of Information and Agricultural Journalism, editor, 1969-70; Modern Medicine Publications, Minneapolis, MN, journal editor, 1970-77; 3M Company, St. Paul, writer/ publicist, 1977-83; freelance magazine writer and children's author, 1983-. Publications: Nightwaves: Scary Tales for After Dark, 1990; The Chilling Hour: Tales of the Real and Unreal, 1992; Shadows and Whispers: Tales from the Other Side, 1994; The Ghosts of Summer (young adult novel), forthcoming. Contributor to business and professional magazines. Has ghost written stories for kindergarten school curricula. Contributor of children's encyclopedia entries. Address: 1458 Evergreen Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069, U.S.A. Online address:

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Mcdonald, Collin

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