Mcbeath, Gerald A.

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MCBEATH, Gerald A.

MCBEATH, Gerald A. American, b. 1942. Genres: Area studies, Local history/Rural topics. Career: Rutgers College, visiting assistant professor, 1970-72; John Jay College, City University of New York (CUNY), assistant professor, Government Dept., 1972-74, 1975-76; Richmond College, CUNY, adjunct assistant professor, Social Studies Division, 1972-74; Fulbright-Hays Lecturer, visiting associate professor at the Graduate School of Political Science, National Chengchi University, American Studies Institute, Tamkang College of Arts, and Soochow University, Republic of China, 1974-75; University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, assistant professor of Political Science, 1976-77, associate professor 1977-82, professor, 1982-, director of faculty development, 1990-92, acting dean, College of Liberal Arts, 1991-93, currently department head and chair of the Social Science Division. Institute of Social and Economic Research, member of research staff, summers, 1977, 1978, 1980; Brookings Institution, visiting scholar in Government Studies, 1985-86. Publications: (with T.A. Morehouse) The Dynamics of Alaska Native Self-Government, 1980; (with T.A. Morehouse and L. Leask) Alaska Urban and Rural Governments, 1984; (with T.A. Morehouse) Alaska Politics and Government, 1994; The Alaska State Constitution: A Reference Guide, 1997; Wealth and Freedom: Taiwan's New Political Economy, 1998; Political Economy of Oil in Alaska, 2001. EDITOR: (with P.G. Cornwall, and contrib) Alaska's Rural Development, 1982; (with T.A. Morehouse) Alaska State Government and Politics, 1987. Contributor to books and journals. Address: Dept. Of Political Science, University of Alaska, PO Box 756420, Fairbanks, AK 99775, U.S.A. Online address:

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