May, Gita
MAY, Gita
MAY, Gita. American (born Belgium), b. 1929. Genres: Biography, Essays. Career: Columbia University, NYC, lecturer, 1953-56, instructor, 1956-58, assistant professor, 1958-61, associate professor, 1961-68, professor of French, 1968-, dept. chairman, 1983-93. Modern Language Association, member, Delegate Assembly, 1973-75, Committee on Research Activities, 1975-78, and Executive Council, 1980-83; member, editorial board, Romanic Review, 1959-, French Review, 1975-, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1975-78, and Women in French Studies, 2000-; Northeast American Society for 18th Century Studies, president, 1981; American Society for 18th-Century Studies, president, 1985; Age of Revolution and Romanticism, general editor, 1990-. Publications: Diderot et Baudelaire: critiques d'Art, 1957, 3rd ed., 1973; (ed. with O. Fellows) Diderot Studies III, 1961; De Jean-Jacques Rousseau a Madame Roland: Essai sur la sensibilite preromantique et Revolutionnaire, 1964; Madame Roland and the Age of Revolution, 1970; Stendhal and the Age of Napoleon, 1977. Contributor to books. Address: 404 W 116th St, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A. Online address: