Maxwell, Kenneth Robert

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MAXWELL, Kenneth Robert

MAXWELL, Kenneth Robert. American (born England), b. 1941. Genres: History, International relations/Current affairs. Career: Gulbenkian Fellow, 1964; Newberry Library, Chicago, 1968-69; University of Kansas, Lawrence, Associate Professor of History, 1969-71; Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, Member, 1971-75; Columbia University, Professor of History, 1976-84; Tinker Foundation, Inc., NYC, Program Director, 1979-85; Camoes Center for Portuguese Speaking World, Columbia University, NYC, Director, 1988-99; Council on Foreign Relations, NYC, Sr. Fellow for Latin America, 1989-, Director of Studies and Vice President, 1996, Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Inter-American Affairs, 1995-. Publications: Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal 1750-1808, 1973; The Press and the Rebirth of Iberian Democracy, 1983; Portugal: Ten Years after the Revolution, 1984; Spain's Prospects, 1985; Portugal in the 1980's: The Dilemmas of Democratic Consolidation, 1985; Portugal: Ancient Country, New Democracy, 1990; Spanish Foreign and Defense Policy, 1991; The New Spain: From Isolation to Influence, 1994; Pombal: A Paradox of the Enlightenment, 1995; The Making of Portuguese Democracy, 1995; Chocolate, Piratas e Outros Malandros: Ensaios Tropicais, 1999. Address: Council on Foreign Relations, 58 E 68th St, New York, NY 10021, U.S.A. Online address:

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