Mattson, Kevin

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MATTSON, Kevin. American, b. 1966. Genres: History, Politics/ Government, Social commentary. Career: University of Rochester, Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, professor, 1994-95; Walt Whitman Center, New Brunswick, NJ, 1995-2001; Ohio University, professor of American intellectual history, 2001-. Publications: Creating a Democratic Public: The Struggle for Urban Participatory Democracy During the Progressive Era, 1998; (author of intro.) M.P. Follett, The New State, reissued, 1999; Intellectuals in Action: The Origins of the New Left of Radical Liberalism, 2002; (co-ed.) Democracy's Moment, 2002; (co-ed.) Steal This University: The Rite of the Corporate University and the Academic Labor Movement, 2002. Contributor to periodicals. Address: History Dept, Ohio University, Bentley Annex, Athens, OH 45701, U.S.A. Online address:

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