Matteson, Stefanie (Newton)

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MATTESON, Stefanie (Newton)

MATTESON, Stefanie (Newton). American, b. 1946. Genres: Mystery/ Crime/Suspense. Career: The (Bergen) Record, Hackensack, NJ, reporter of science and medical stories and assistant lifestyle editor, 1977-82; writer. Publications: MYSTERIES: Murder at the Spa, 1990; Murder at Teatime, 1991; Murder on the Cliff, 1991; Murder on the Silk Road, 1992; Murder at the Falls, 1993; Murder on High, 1994; Murder among the Angels, 1996; Murder under the Palms, 1997. Address: 23 Coventry Rd, Mendham, NJ 07945-1519, U.S.A. Online address:

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