Matott, Justin

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MATOTT, Justin

MATOTT, Justin. Also writes as Gabriel Peters. American, b. 1961. Genres: Children's fiction, Adult non-fiction. Career: Clove Publications Inc. (publisher of children's books), owner; writer. Sales and marketing consultant in business reengineering. Publications: FOR CHILDREN: Ol' Lady Grizelda, 1998; When Did I Meet You Grandma?, 1999; When Did I Meet You Grandpa?, 1999; Drinking Fountain Joe, 2000; A Rabbit's Tale, 2000; Oliver Kringle, 2001. ADULT NONFICTION: My Garden Visits, 1997; A Harvest of Reflections, 1998; Independence Days. Contributor to periodicals. Address: PO Box 261183, Littleton, CO 80163, U.S.A. Online address:

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