Masson, Paul R(obert)
MASSON, Paul R(obert)
MASSON, Paul R(obert). Canadian, b. 1946. Genres: Economics, Travel/ Exploration. Career: Bank of Canada, Ottawa, ON, economist, 1973-76; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France, administrator, 1976-79, principal adviser administrator, 1983-84; Bank of Canada, adviser and deputy chief, 1979-83; International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, economist, adviser, division chief, and senior adviser, 1984-. Publications: (with A. Ghosh) Economic Cooperation in an Uncertain World, 1994. EDITOR: (with R. Bryant, D. Currie, and others) Macroeconomic Policies in an Interdependent World, 1989; (with M. Canzoneri and V. Grilli) Establishing a Central Bank: Issues in Europe and Lessons from the United States, 1993; (with M. Taylor) Policy Issues in the Operation of Currency Unions, 1993; (with T. Krueger and B. Turtelboom) EMU and the International Monetary System, 1997; (with R. Litan and M. Pomerleano) Open Doors. Contributor to economic journals. Address: 1737 Bucks Hill Rd., Southbury, CT 06488-2404, U.S.A. Online address: