Maslow, Jonathan

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MASLOW, Jonathan

MASLOW, Jonathan. American, b. 1948. Genres: Environmental sciences/ Ecology, Natural history, Travel/Exploration. Career: Writer and filmmaker. Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism, NYC, adjunct instructor, 1977-80. Publications: The Owl Papers, 1983; Bird of Life, Bird of Death: A Political Ornithology of Central America, 1987; Sacred Horses: Memoirs of a Turkmen Cowboy, 1994; Torrid Zone (stories), 1995; Semblant, 1996; Footsteps in the Jungle, 1996. Address: Herald News, 1 Garret Mountain Plaza, PO Box 471, West Paterson, NJ 07424-0471, U.S.A. Online address: