Marty, Martin E.
MARTY, Martin E.
MARTY, Martin E. American, b. 1928. Genres: History, Theology/ Religion. Career: Lutheran pastor, Chicago, 1952-63; University of Chicago, Fairfax M. Cone Professor of Divinity, 1963-98, Emeritus, 1998-. Public Religion Project, Director; Christian Century, Sr. Ed., 1956-98; Church History, Co-Ed.; Context, fortnightly newsletter, Ed.; Second Opinion, journal of the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith and Ethics, Ed. Publications: The New Shape of American Religion, 1959; A Short History of Christianity, 1959; The Infidel: Free-Thought and American Religion, 1961; The Improper Opinion, 1961; Baptism, 1962; The Hidden Discipline, 1962; Second Chance for American Protestants, 1963; Varieties of Unbelief, 1964; Church Unity and Church Mission, 1964; The Modern Schism, 1969; The Search for a Usable Future, 1969; Righteous Empire, 1970; Protestantism, 1972; You Are Promise, 1973; The Fire We Can Light, 1973; A Nation of Behavers, 1977; Religion, Awakening, and Revolution, 1978; Friendship, 1980; By Way of Response, 1981; The Public Church, 1981; A Cry of Absence, 1983; Pilgrims in Their Own Land, 1984; An Invitation to American Catholic History, 1985; Modern American Religion: vol. 1: The Irony of it All, 1893-1919, 1986, vol. 2: The Noise of Conflict, 1919-1941, 1991, vol. 3: Under God, Indivisible, 1996; Religion and Republic: The American Circumstance, 1987; The Glory and the Power, 1992; Places Along the Way, 1994; Our Hope for Years to Come, 1995; The One and the Many, 1997; When True Simplicity Is Gained, 1998; Politics, Religion, and the Common Good, 2000; Education, Religion, and the Common Good, 2000. Address: 239 Scottswood Rd., Riverside, IL 60546-2223, U.S.A. Online address: