Mandel, Peter (Bevan)
MANDEL, Peter (Bevan)
MANDEL, Peter (Bevan). American, b. 1957. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Animals/Pets, Sports/Fitness, Travel/Exploration, Humor/ Satire, Picture/board books. Career: Writer. Providence Journal-Bulletin, children's book review columnist. Publications: PICTURE BOOKS: Red Cat, White Cat, 1994; Say Hey! A Song of Willie Mays, 2000. NOVELS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: Haunted House Mystery, 1986; Revenge of the Ghosts, 1986; Cry of the Wolf, 1987; Whisper's Secret Dream, 1987; My Ocean Liner, 2000. HUMOR FOR ADULTS: The Official Cat I.Q. Test, 1991; The Cat Dictionary, 1994; The Official Dog I.Q. Test, 1995. OTHER: If One Lived on the Equator (poetry), 1993. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 239 Transit St, Providence, RI 02906, U.S.A. Online address: